2022 Term 4 Week 9 Lion’s Roar

Week 9 marked the first milestone of the 2022 Pathways program.

Term 3 this year was the first term we welcomed the Pathways students back in class fully face-to-face with a feasible class size to run the program, since the start of the pandemic. We started from 5 students in the class, with a couple remaining online, to 8 full-time students studying fully on campus.

It has been a great pleasure to interact with the students in and out of the classroom. The growth of the students is remarkable. Some learned how to communicate with their peers in the boarding house when the expectations were different, while others learned to engage and participate in the wider school community by joining music and sport teams.


Ethan Lin, who received the PLC Pathways Improved Effort & Achievement Award
Chloe Yang, who received the PLC Pathways Citizenship Award
Shirley Zhang, who received the PLC Pathways Academic Achievement & Application across all Key Learning Areas Award


Zoe Chen, who joined Year 10 this year after attending the PLC Pathways program online for a year, received the PLC Pathways Award for Demonstrating Progress and Achievement in her Transition into Mainstream.

Thank you to Mrs Sennett, Mrs Arnold, Ms Priebbenow, Mr Davidson, Mr Cotterell, Mrs Kumar, Ms Miller and teachers at PLC Armidale for supporting and encouraging the Pathways students in their journey in Australia. 

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